Construction Watch: Pierce Arrow Lofts

Nidus Development is finishing up the conversion of the former Pierce Arrow complex’s administrative building at 1695 Elmwood Avenue into 105 loft apartments and a 100-seat restaurant. The development firm headed by Dr. Gregory F. Daniel bought 1695 and 1721 Elmwood Avenue from Brooklyn-based Read Property Group in January 2018 for $4.3 million. The purchase included the office building along Elmwood and a portion of the assembly plant on the north side of the sprawling complex.

The Pierce office building was designed by George Cary and built in 1906-1907. It has been on the National Register for Historic Places since 1975. Plans for the $30 million project were prepared by Flynn Battaglia and Studio T3 Engineering.

A mix of one to three bedroom apartments will be available. Amenities include a fitness room and a shared lounge with Wi-Fi. Indoor parking for 110 cars will be provided in the 1721 Elmwood building.

Nidus has two additional projects in the works. The company is currently obtaining City approvals to convert a former telephone switching center at 10 Howard Street into 33 apartments. It is also been designated developer of the historic property at 204 High Street where affordable housing and commercial space are planned.

Published by Buffalo Rising

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