With many businesses closed, landlords worry about missed rent payments
Business has ground to a halt at the Delavan Station retail building on Main Street in Buffalo – and the site’s manager is worried. “They’re
Business has ground to a halt at the Delavan Station retail building on Main Street in Buffalo – and the site’s manager is worried. “They’re
In New York the timing of real property assessments and the “grievance” process are set by state law. Despite the current crisis, the state has
Cheektowaga and Grand Island officials are right to delay their property reassessments given the Covid-19 pandemic. But as soon as the pandemic passes, the reassessments
Ten million Americans lost their jobs over the last two weeks. The next announced unemployment rate on May 8th is expected to be in the
The real estate industry is growing alarmed over recent moves to tighten credit standards for new loans to home buyers as banks try to fend
With the housing crash of 2006-2008 still visible in the rear-view mirror, many are concerned the current correction in the stock market is a sign
Chiropractors, you may now report for work in New York. The same goes for landscapers, lawyers and telecommunications workers — in some circumstances. Non-essential businesses
It’s never easy to buy or sell a home—even in the best market conditions. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s become nearly impossible. I know this
On Tuesday, April 7, we issued an alert in connection with New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Executive Order No. 202.6 – Continuing Temporary Suspension
Salina Town Supervisor Colleen Gunnip said she favors continuing property-tax reassessments in the village of Liverpool despite protests from the village’s board of trustees. “We’ve
The federal banking agencies today issued an interim final rule to temporarily defer real estate-related appraisals and evaluations under the agencies’ interagency appraisal regulations. The
A quarter of Realtors® with clients putting contracts on homes this week had at least one do so without physically seeing the property, according to