Construction Watch: Cornerstore Lofts

The former Bethlehem Presbyterian Church located at 340 Bird Avenue is on its way towards a residential future. Michael Pietrocarlo purchased the circa-1909 church in 2015 for $375,000. He is teaming with developer Mark McGroarty on the project with 12 one to three-bedroom residential units that are expected to be sold as condominiums.

A half dozen units will be located on the lower level ranging in size from 700 to 750 sq.ft. of living space and the residences on the second floor will be two-stories each with 1,350 to 1,700 sq.ft. Each unit will have individual access from the exterior of the building.










Residences will feature 10-foot ceilings, open layouts, wood flooring, and original exposed brick walls. Units come with a full appliance package including washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, and microwave. Many of the units have terraces. Prices have not been disclosed as of yet but work is expected to be complete later this year.

Published by Buffalo Rising

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