Construction Watch: 1585 Hertel

A five-story mixed-use building is rising at the southeast corner of Hertel and Parkside Avenues.  The building will include retail space on the first floor, residential apartments on the upper levels, and underground parking for 26 vehicles.  It is replacing a gas station that was previously on the site.

John Daly, a managing principal and architect at Trautman Associates and principal of O’Dalaigh Real Estate LLC, and his wife, Ruthanne, are behind the $7 million project.

The 34 apartments will range in size from 500 to 1,055 square feet. They include one handicapped accessible unit, a partial green roof that can be enjoyed by tenants, bike storage and dog washing area in the parking level. The first floor is expected to include two restaurants and a boutique shop. The facade will feature a mix of red brick, stone and metal.

The development received a $500,000 grant from the Better Buffalo Fund.  Trautmann Associates designed the project.

Published by Buffalo Rising

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