Construction Watch: 201 Ellicott

Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation’s mixed-use development at 201 Ellicott Street is rising. The two-building development includes 201 affordable apartments in a building with five floors along Ellicott Street and seven floors along Oak Street and a 20,000 sq.ft. Braymiller’s Market at the corner of Ellicott and Clinton streets.

Work has started on the residential building’s third floor while the foundation for Braymiller Market was recently poured.

Braymiller Market will be completed next spring, and the residential portion will be completed in early summer.

201 Ellicott project team partners include CannonDesign, Arc Building Partners, C&S Companies, M&T Bank, Evans Bank, Citi, Red Stone Equity Partners, Belmont Housing and GOBike Buffalo.

Posted by Buffalo Rising

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