Construction Watch: Larkin District Projects

Larkin Development Group’s new buildings along Seneca Street are taking shape. Mill Race Commons is Larkin Development’s largest ground-up development in the Larking District thus far. The five-story building at the southeast corner of Seneca and Hydraulic streets will include 70 apartments and 14,500 square feet of retail space.

Mill Race Commons Seneca Elevation

The developer is holding off on plans for a five-story, 45,000 sq.ft. office wing along Hydraulic Street. That area will become a grass lawn and dog run area in the meantime. Schneider Architectural Services designed the building.

Two additional buildings are underway at 864-872 Seneca Street. 872 Seneca will include 8,000 sq.ft. of space anchored by Paula’s Donuts and apartments on the second floor. 864 Seneca will have first floor retail and apartments above it.

Get Connected: Larkin Development Group, 716.362.2662

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