Construction Watch: Niagara Square Apartments

Norstar Development USA is constructing 166 rental units along Niagara Street where the Paul Rudolph-designed Shoreline Apartment complex was demolished. Eighteen new buildings are being built and Georgia Street will be extended west to Seventh Street (below). The extension will connect Niagara Street to 7th Street – helping to restore the original grid street pattern of the neighborhood that was eliminated in order to create the superblock on which the original complex was built.

The new units will include 70 townhouses and 96 apartments in two three-story buildings at the corner of Niagara and Georgia that will contain a small amount of retail space. A tot-lot is proposed along Seventh Street and parking will be located internal to the site.Norstar completed the first phase of the redevelopment project located on the north end of the site south of Carolina Street. That involved the demolition of five Rudolph buildings and the construction of one low‐rise apartment building and seven townhouse structures containing 48 replacement affordable housing units.There is a parcel located at the south end of the site that has not been earmarked for development. Stueglitz Snyder Architecture designed the project.

Published by Buffalo Rising

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